Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, noninvasive form of manual therapy that works with the Dura, a deep layer of fascia/connective tissue, encasing the cranium, spine, sacrum, and holding space for the cerebrospinal fluid. Helpful for migraines, headaches, TMJ dysfunction, balance and vertigo issues, and improving the functioning of the nervous system. A therapist can use the bones of the cranium and sacrum to connect with the dura and release any restrictions within the system.
How restrictions affect craniosacral flow
Two types of trauma can affect the craniosacral system and flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), causing restrictions. Direct trauma to the structures, such as a bone, a suture joint, or the membrane itself. Which can result from a variety of events, like a birthing injury, a fracture, a surgical procedure, a tumor, a direct blow from a fall or auto accident, or a cerebrovascular accident.
Indirect trauma eventually impacts the craniosacral system. This may result from repetitive motion injuries, poor sitting or standing posture, or any habitual movements or positions that pull the body out of correct anatomical alignment. An old injury anywhere on the body can work its way back into the craniosacral system through the fascia.
“The concept that each viscera has an inherent motion which is intimately connected with the physiological functions of that viscera is fascinating. The fact that this motion can be modified by manual means is truly significant. The potential for application of this concept in the diagnosis and treatment of internal organ dysfunction is, in my own opinion, limitless. Its use in preventative medicine and health care could be one of the most important contributions of our lifetime”
— John E. Upledger, D.O., F.A.A.O., Developer of Craniosacral Therapy
Reach out today to see if Craniosacral Therapy can help you!